How to immigrate to Canada from Morocco or Tunisia

In 2023, Canada welcomed over 430,000 new permanent residents. A record-breaking figure! Are you also dreaming of new horizons? Follow this guide.

Immigrating to Canada is like preparing couscous: it takes time, patience, and the right ingredients. But the result is worth it!

Statistics Canada, Demographic Estimates (March 2024). Adapted by the Institut de la statistique du Québec.

1. Choisissez votre programme

Canada offers several immigration pathways. Which ones suit you best?

2. Assess Your Chances

Your age, your level of education, your work experience... Everything counts! Calculate your points on the official Canadian government website. It's free and will give you a clear idea of your chances.

3. Prepare Your Application

Passport, diplomas, work certificates... Gather all your documents. And don't forget to have them translated ! Bilingualism is Canada's trademark.

4. Test Your French (and English)

You already speak French? Perfect! But an official test will be necessary. And if you're also proficient in English, that's a big plus. Welcome to the land of " Franglais "!

5. Prove You Have the Means

Canada wants to ensure you can support yourself. For a single person, count on about 13,000 Canadian dollars. That's the price of independence!

6. Find a Job (if possible)

A job offer is like a wild card in poker. It can make all the difference! Explore Canadian job sites, network, be creative.

7. Be Patient

The process can take from a few months to over a year. Use this time to learn about your future province, pick up some Québécois expressions, or familiarize yourself with ice hockey!

The Canadian adventure awaits you. Are you ready to take the leap? Remember: every journey is unique. Get informed, get prepared, and above all, stay the course!

Our expert law firm can guide you through the entire process with a success rate of over 90%.

Bon voyage to your new life!

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